I recently did a couple of different photo shoots for the Spark Amp, which is a very cool and extremely popular guitar amp made by Positive Grid.. It has the ability to recreate thousands of different guitar, pedal and amplifier sounds & effects, all in a small package.
We did these shoots in Nashville at two different homes. We used the location service AVVAY to find the great locations.
Advertising Work
Talbots Catalog Photo Shoots
I’ve recently been shooting several catalogs for luxury clothing brand Talbots. Talbots has been a dream client, not only because of their high standards and quality reputation, but also due to how incredible they are to work with.
The rest of the catalogs haven’t come out yet, but here’s a few pages from the August 2020 edition that was just released. To see the entire catalog click HERE. I shot everything in the catalog except for the product photos.
Bethel University Shoot
In September of last year I did a 2 day lifestyle photo shoot for Bethel University in McKenzie, TN. The great folks at Lewis Communications were in the process of creating a new web site for Bethel and they needed new photos of the campus and student life.
Along with people from Lewis and Bethel and my two assistants we covered the entire campus from one end to the other capturing all of the photos on our shot list as well as catching some great impromptu shots.
Here are a few screen shots of the photos are being used on the Bethel web site.
Ascend TV Commercial
The amazing folks at Lewis Communications hired me and my team to shoot this TV commercial a couple of months ago, and it just started airing this week. It'll be on CBS, NBC, ABC stations as well as Comcast and Hulu. Keep an eye out for it.
It was produced by Katie Peninger and directed by Tom Johnson of Lewis. The only thing I didn't shoot is the drone footage of the Ascend Amphitheater.
I used to shoot a lot of video and I seem to be getting back into it more and more.
Kane Brown Photo Shoot for Dr. Pepper
I recently shot country singer Kane Brown for Dr. Pepper. It was a really fun day spent at a roller skating rink outside of Nashville. The woman in the photo with him is his wife Katelyn Jae.
Ascend Federal Credit Union
2 Weeks ago Ascend Credit Union launched a brand new version of their website. Lewis Communications spent over a year crafting and building the site, which is thousands of pages deep. Besides being known for their great banking services, their name is also easily recognized by the Ascend Amphitheater in Downtown Nashville where numerous bands and musicians play year-round.
I was honored to spend 3 days shooting photos that woulds populate much of the site. Below are a few of the moments we captured, both at their corporate offices in Tullahoma, TN as well as my studio outside of Nashville.
D1 Sports Photo Shoot
Being someone who loves fitness and works out 4-5 times a week, I was very excited to help D1 Sports build a catalog of images for their franchise of over 25 locations. D1 specializes in preparing people of all ages to be elite athletes.
I’ve been doing sports photography for over 15 years, most of it staged shoots like this one. But I’ve also captured athletes competing in live events such as when I shot the X-Games for 2 years. Whether staged or live action, I learned a huge skill shooting sports photography, and that is, how to perfect the art of timing.
When you’re shooting an athlete you have to hit that precise moment that will become frozen in time as “the shot.” I took the principals of sports photography and applied them to working with people in all situations. So now when I’m shooting a person, I’m fully aware of his or her unique and individual timing.
No two people move with the same rhythm and it’s a photographers job to read each person’s timing to make sure the moment captured is the best one.
For this shoot we used actual D1 members rather than models and we shot this at their Nashville/Franklin location.
Thomas Rhett for Ford
I had a fun time recently shooting country musician and all-around great guy Thomas Rhett for Ford. Thomas had been a long-time Ford truck owner ever since he got his first F-150 when he was young. We shot these at his property south of Nashville.
Tennessee Titans Photo Shoot
I spent the first part of my life in the New England area (Boston, New Hampshire, Maine) so I'm naturally a fan of the Red Sox, Bruins and Celtics. I have however never been a fan of the Patriots. I can't explain why; they just never clicked with me. I moved around a lot over 11 states, but it wasn't until I moved to Nashville that I finally found an NFL team that I felt like I could call my own.
That team was the Tennessee Titans. So I was super excited when they called me to take the player photos for their 2018 season. What made it even more special was the fact that they were was getting brand new uniforms designed by Nike. There was a lot of buzz, especially around Nashville about the new look of the uniforms. Rumors were flying, and all of them were wrong.
As I was brought in to shoot the Titans for the new season in the new uniforms, it was great to be one of the first people to ever see the new looks. I couldn’t believe I was seeing the uniforms even before the players did.
Doing sports photography is a lot like shooting celebrities; the players time is valuable so you have to have quick instincts and know when you’ve got the shots that you need and move on. We shot the whole team over the course of 4 short days. I’ve always thrived on pressure, so when the owner of the team, Amy Adams Strunk was standing there watching us shoot for 2 of the days it just made me get in the zone all the more.
Here's a few of the photos. They’ve been featured on TV, in print, the Titans web site and their social media. But my favorite has been seeing them printed several stories tall on the sides of Nissan Stadium.
Patricia Nash Lifestyle Fashion Photo Shoot
These photos I shot are just now getting released in ads so I thought I’d share some of them here. This was a lifestyle fashion photo shoot I did for the Patricia Nash brand. My team drove from Nashville to Knoxville a couple of months ago to do this shoot. It was freezing that day, but these models were pros and did an amazing job. Patricia Nash is an amazing fashion line focusing mainly on handbag and shoes, although they are venturing into other areas as well. This was a day shoot with 2 locations; one at a marina just outside of Knoxville and one at the company's headquarters.
I do quite a bit of fashion photography for clothing lines in Nashville and elsewhere. As someone who used to own a small clothing company in Southern California, I love fashion and fashion photography.
David Bean: Nashville Photographers
AVVAY is the New Way to Find Creative Spaces in Nashville and Beyond...
AVVAY is a new web site created by folks right here in Nashville that is kind of like airBNB, but for creative spaces. So if you're a photographer, painter, dancer, sculptor, etc. you can go to the AVVAY web site and look up homes, barns, studios, garages, etc. where you can perform your craft. I discovered it right before I was doing pre-production on a photo shoot for one of my clients PedalTrain. For the shoot we were looking for either a recording studio or a band rehearsal space that looked like it would be owned/used by both a young aspiring band or an already established one. In my many years of shooting in Nashville I had been to several studios and rehearsal spaces. But until I found AVVAY I never knew about places like The Silent Planet, where we ended up shooting at.
The shoot was huge success, due in large part to the amazing space I found on AVVAY. Check out the blog they wrote about it from their end. The transaction between me and The Silent Planet was the first one for AVVAY. If you've got a space of any kind that you think creatives could use, sign up on their site. They will be expanding to other cities beyond Nashville soon.
Here are some of the images from the photo shoot.

Healthcare Photography
Nashville is considered by many to be the healthcare mecca of the U.S. Nashville's healthcare industry is much larger than it's music and entertainment ones. Because of that I end up shooting a lot of healthcare photography both here in Nashville and all across the U.S. I just launched a new portfolio section called Healthcare Photography for Advertising. I've shot healthcare photos for several years now but recently decided I should have a portfolio for some of it. It's very different shooting people in a hospital environment and also a great privilege. To have people trust you enough in their vulnerable moments is not something I take lightly when shooting the photos for hospitals and healthcare companies.
Photo Shoots for Banded
I love my clients; I really do. I get to work with a lot of great people and companies. Banded is one such company that I enjoy working with. Banded is a Nashville based company that makes headbands that are step above all others. They are one size-fits-all that are non-slip, which makes them great for active lifestyles. They're sold all over the country and I'm regularly see them being worn all the time. I've done their photography for the last few years. Here's a few shots from some of those photo shoots. Since they're based in Nashville and so am I, we shot all of these photos in and around the Nashville area. From their site... BANDED™ headbands are the original no slip, automatically adjusting headbands that fits both children and adults. Our patent-pending design allows you to wear your BANDED™ headband all day long without getting a headache and prevents the headband from pinching or pulling your hair. Due to the soft velvet lining that keeps the headbands on, you will be able to focus on the day and not worry about looking in the mirror to adjust it. You can finally style it and forget about it.
Check out their site and do some shopping and take a look at the photos below...
Banded Lifestyle photography Advertising
Welcome to the 2014 version of my site
Happy 2014. Here's hoping it will be amazing for you and yours. 2013 was a great year for me and my crew. I can honestly say I'm producing my best work ever. The summer of 2013 saw me featured on 2 different reality TV shows; Bravo's Tabatha Takes Over and AMC's The Pitch. On Tabatha Takes Over (Episode 157) I was featured doing a photo shoot at my studio as part of the show. But the real fun came on The Pitch.
For those not familiar with The Pitch; it takes 2 advertising agencies and pits them head-to-head as they pitch a major ad campaign to the same client.
I never posted the results so here they are... The client was Gibson and... We won! By We, I mean me and the super amazing team at ad agency Daniel Burton Dean who came up with the winning concept. I shot all of the photos and the video that were used in the pitch.
Without further ado, here's the video that I shot over the course of 2 days at various Nashville locations. I even make a brief cameo.
NOTE: The only audio until the very end is a faint drum beat. This was an intentional part of the concept. It would take too long to explain :)